The august heat hovers / a particular density of light / static click
of hot oil / a smell bends into the air / On the pull-down screen
a velcro ripple of expectation / millions upturned on a tasselled hill-side /
a slackening of millions of office telephones / a million soundless
dips on the power grid / Years from now / bars of black plastic glint the
waxy sheen / of claw-like things found coiled in the interspace /
Eyes now upturn / a lens cap clicks / the dark O of a throat and
language beating / moth-like against it / millions of cries come steaming
off balconies / licked along a vein-blue rim / surgical precision / skims
to kiss / the earth ecdysial / day slipped off like a dress /
Slowly light re-thumbs the cheek / a dawn rolls back / on millions of folding
chairs / and tin-foil picnics / the wrack zone left / by an emptying tide /